Ben & Spring's

Saturday, October 18, 2008

It's time to count God's blessings!

Ben gets the honor to write the year in review post every thanksgiving. This year is extra special because God's blessed us with BB. It is amazing how a new life come about. You don't realize it until you witness how it "balloons" day after day.

我 要 稱 謝 你 、 因 我 受 造 奇 妙 可 畏 . 你 的 作 為 奇 妙 . 這 是 我 心 深 知 道 的 。我 在 暗 中 受 造 、 在 地 的 深 處 被 聯 絡 、 那 時 、 我 的 形 體 並 不 向 你 隱 藏 。我 未 成 形 的 體 質 、 你 的 眼 早 已 看 見 了 . 你 所 定 的 日 子 、 我 尚 未 度 一 日 、 〔 或 作 我 被 造 的 肢 體 尚 未 有 其 一 〕 你 都 寫 在 你 的 冊 上 了 。 Psalm 139

So apparently, before BB's first ultrasound, God knew BB and had a plan for every day of BB's life. It's kind of a crazy idea, but then again, what's NOT crazy about the coming about of a new life? It is our prayer that BB will be healthy, and will learn to love his/her Creator.

On Pregnancy:
We are super thankful on this front. Aside from the first trimester when Spring got tired really really easily, she made it through pre gnancy without much fuss. She was able to work at her full capacity, serve in John Fellowship (even did a silly dance in the camp!), take care of herself and her hubby.

On Ministries: It is rewarding to see John Fellowship grow in numbers and quality. They are a very lovable bunch. Serving in this fellowship is not without its stress and worries however. It is especially true when we see them struggle in their spiritual battle ground. God had promised a way out for them though, so it's not a question of "possibility".

On Family: Ben's thankful for his Mom and Dad's retirement. Even though they are still working part time, it is not out of necessity. It can't be taken for granted that one gets to enjoy the fruit of one's hard work in health. We are also very very thankful for Dad Cephas's last stomach follow-up, which went came and gone without incidence.

On Fun: We took a trip to Hong Kong and Tokyo in May. We are thankful for the timing of the trip, which came at the best time possible when Spring's just into the second (honeymoon) trimester. Such timing was out of our control because we booked the flight before we learned of BB's coming.


It was a quiet month… done with all the weddings and summer frenzies and just trying to get all the bb things ready so we’ll be all ready in case bb comes early. Spring’s also busy carrying out the last bit of her John ministry before she takes a break. The timing is great because after the last fellowship she led in late Sept, she started having aches and pains. It’s definitely time for her to slow down.

Ben is just “busy” studying for his professional exam in Oct.

Is it a boy or a girl??? Ben thinks it’s boy, Spring thinks it’s girl. We’ll find out in less than 2 months!!

Some random home pictures...


At the beginning of the month, we had a bunch of Kan’s in Calgary. Sis and Wil also came home. Their stay in Calgary wasn’t long but we all had a good time and got to know each better.

Later that month, we made our 1st visit to Sylvan Lake. Not a bad place to visit in the summer :)

At the end of August, the 2 of us got away and spent the long weekend at Radium to celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary. It was a quiet getaway from all the responsibilities and chores… nice and relaxing. We made such yummy meals together! Praise God for the quality time we had.

From our suite's balcony...

On our way back...

JULY 2008

What did we do this month? Um... not much but it was a BUSY month!!!
• Shopping for bb arrival
• Getting ready for church outing
• Getting ready for Kans' arrival

PRAISE – Spring’s pregnancy is going very well and still not slowing her down.

These are pictures taken at Drumheller, where we went to see a passion play.

JUNE 2008

When we went for our 18-week ultrasound, slowan was sleeping. The technician was trying to wake the bb up but man, slowan's a deep sleeper (just like us!). Spring was a little disappointed because we didn't see much action from the little one. We bought the ultrasound pictures even though there isn't much to see. The pictures are really for slowan. We didn't want slowan to whine to us about not having any ultrasound pictures.

Sis is preggo as well! She finished her 1st trimester this month :) Her due date is December so we'll be on mat leave "together" in different cities. Spring's looking forward to March when she'll be going over to TO with Mom and Dad to see Sis, her bun and her new house.

John Fellowship has been sooo kind to preggo Spring. They aren't letting her move/carry heavy things, telling her how she should be thinking positively, encouraging her to start talking to slowan. They're like "you can't…", "don't do that…", I mean, these commands usually come from us! Those smart IB kiddos are even giving Spring food advices. When we introduce slowan to the teens in Nov, we will definitely mention how nice those gor gor jair jair are to him/her :) The teens are getting ready for their graduations and exams. Such a stressful time for everybody, including us, because it's THE month that's loaded with special occasions.

MAY 2008

Before heading to HK and Japan, Spring's grandfather had a 90th birthday dinner celebration in Calgary.

Hong Kong / Tokyo (14 days)

Before the trip, we were uncertain about how Spring will cope with the flights and heavy walking. It turns out that Spring's pregnancy had not slowed her down a bit. Except for refraining from sushi in Tokyo, she was otherwise up to her normal "world-traveler" self.

Our flight to HK involved a 6 hour stopover in Tokyo. The shower at Narita Airport was simply God sent. For 100 Yen, Ben would have done it again a million times over. We first stopped at HK for 8 days. Ben's family took the time to take us to many delicious meals and a tour around the HK island.

We then made our way back to Tokyo for a 5 night stay. Our accommodation of choice was Sakura Hotel in Ikebukuro, a step up from hostels. For Ben, the most impressive element of the trip was the food, as we visited two Michelin-star restaurants and other amazing eateries (秋吉串燒, Tsukiji Fish Market... etc.) As for Spring, it was next to impossible to get her excited about Japan, thansk to her parents :) haha...

Description of Kobe beef: Freaky. It's like fish that tastes like beef. The meat was so tender that biting into it is like biting into a piece of tuna. The official beef institution in Japan had a 5-star system of grading Kobe beef. We deliberately ordered a 4-star and a 5-star meal for comparison sake. Essentially, the 5-star one had more fat pockets that are finer and more evenly distributed, resulting in a more tender overall texture. However, if you're a traditional potato and steak kind of guy/gal, Alberta beef is probably the superior choice. Ben cherished it as a very unique experience. BTW, a piece of 6 oz. 5-star kobe beef is $150 CDN a pop, back when CDN was on par with USD. We would definitely NOT have parted with that amt of cash for a piece of steak had Ben's company not offered to pay for it.

Description of Japanese Baseball: Ben's 5 year service gift also entitled us to a "cultural event". So we took the opportunity to attend a Tokyo Giant baseball game. (Baseball beat out sumo as our event of choice). The baseball stadium was packed. There were two fan organized bands, one for each team situated in the home-run zone. The band must have played a different tune for every at bat for the first hour. All the fans were perfectly in sync singing along to the tunes. In the end, the Tokyo Giant beat out the Sapporo team. The fans were happy, and no beer bottles were thrown.

APRIL 2008

Dad Cephas’ last cancer check-up result came up clean! PRAISE! Very wonderful news.

MARCH 2008

Is Spring p*******? Was our prayer answered??

Spring went to Vegas with her mom, dad and sis for about 4 days. There wasn’t much to do in Vegas but Spring had such a great time with them! Just when we didn’t think there’s another chance of the Kan’s to travel together, we had this opportunity. Praise, praise, praise.Vegas

Shortly after the Vegas trip, we took John Fellowship camping! Spring did too much jumping and running and carrying things… she’s got to behave!!! It was a God-blessed camp. The youths who planned the camp did a great job, we hope they had a good experience serving God others.

Combined Birthday Celebration for Gary, Spring, & Agnes

Site visit after Church - rope course wearing dress pants...??

Pictures from Camp


It was a very busy month… organizing the camp and volunteer opportunities for the fellowship. Spring now rarely has time to cook and clean the house. We simply ate out lots! Spring felt like she wasn’t doing a good job in balancing her life, taking care of her hubby and herself…


To start off the new year, Ben promptly got a really bad cold. He got a fever of 102 F. The cold actually came about when we were at Houston's Captain Tom's Oyster Bar, near the end of our Texas trip last month. They serve fresh oysters, other deep fried goodies and awesome gumbo soup at a very cheap price. It was jam packed with customers though, and we waited outside for an hour... the soar throat came the next morning.

Just when Ben's fever had gone away, the teens at John Fellowship planned a surprise birthday party for him at Gary's house. Right when Ben opened the door, he was greeted with... um... lots of Spring clones. The scene was somewhat scary, as the teens all worn masks made from magnified cut-outs of Spring's face... the rigid smile on the masks resembled that of Batman's foe: JOKER! Nevertheless, Ben thought it was a very thoughtful gift from the teens. The best rewards come when you least expect it.


Texas – wow, we learned shopping in Canada is such a rip-off! Things are so much cheaper in the States. We aren’t big shoppers but we ended up buying so much! So much that Spring left 2 bags of new clothes at the store!

Texas was a much-needed break for us. Vacations are so important to both of us. Flying away is such a luxury but it seems to be our only way to truly relax. All we think about is where to go, what to eat, what to do… We need to find an alternate way to relax, a cheaper way... we’ve been so spoiled the past 3 years.


We made a big decision this month. Hope God answers our prayers…

Ramping up for Christmas… Why do people make holidays so much work ? The thought of all the celebrations and food don’t cheer Spring up at all, they stress her out! Coming up with gift ideas, going to the mall, being creative with menu ideas, organizing celebrations are all such a dread… why can’t it be simple remembrance of God’s greatest gift to mankind and have simple and cozy dinners with families and friends? Looking forward to our Texas trip, our first Christmas and New Years away from Calgary…